20-Somethings Check-In! Important Check-Ups You Need in Your 20s

Many Black Americans don’t think about going to the doctor regularly until they start showing signs of an illness or they get to their 40s or 50s. However, studies show that getting an annual check-up starting at 20 is a good choice for Black people because of their high risk of developing certain chronic illnesses. Even if you aren’t showing any symptoms of being ill, conditions such as certain types of cancer, STIs, and autoimmune diseases can progress to a serious stage before you notice. Getting checked out in your early years can also provide a baseline for your doctor to determine when something is out of whack. If you have a family history of chronic illnesses, you should be especially vigilant about doctor’s visits so you can catch them early. 

In this video, Dr. Joseph Acquaye and Dr. Dara King talk about the different tests Black people should get when in their 20s.