erk Teacher Thinks Rules Don’t Apply To Him, Gets Fired After Students Maliciously Comply

As a student, I was always taught that teachers know best. Even if you disagree with them or would prefer to do things differently, you’re supposed to trust that they have your best interest in mind.

So when one class was invited by their music teacher to have a party at IHOP, they knew it was a terrible idea. But they decided to go along with the plan in hopes that they might be the last class this teacher ever taught. Below, you’ll find the full story that was recently posted on the Malicious Compliance subreddit, as well as some of the replies amused readers shared.  

This woman’s high school band teacher was extremely hated

Image credits:  ADDICTIVE_STOCK/Envato (not the actual photo)

So when he came up with the brilliant idea to have a “party” at IHOP during school, she and her classmates maliciously complied

Image credits:  Image-Source/Envato (not the actual photo)

Image credits: voronaman111/Envato (not the actual photo)

Image credits: BGStock72/Envato (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Heavy_Ad9344

Later, the author added a few more details about the situation

Teachers have the power to leave a lasting impact on their students’ lives, for better or worse

Image credits: nikolast1/Envato (not the actual photo)

A great teacher can have a huge impact on a student’s life. If the first person who ever made you feel seen, cared for, intelligent and important was a teacher, you’ll likely carry fond memories of them with you for your entire life. But unfortunately, not all teachers are angels sent from heaven. And we tend to really remember the ones that traumatized us.

Some of the cruelest things that were ever said to me came from teachers, and I will never forget the times when educators left me melting into a puddle of tears. There’s a difference between tough love and being downright mean to students, and some teachers haven’t found that healthy middle ground yet.

It’s well documented that positive reinforcement is more effective in creating long-term results than negative reinforcement, so there’s no need for teachers to try to tear their students down. Plus, when you’re teaching at an elementary, middle or high school level, you’re in charge of vulnerable young people. These are kids, and we can treat them a bit more gently than adults with fully developed prefrontal cortexes.

After all, over one third of teens already struggle with low self-esteem, and a fifth of students report that they’ve experienced bullying. There’s absolutely no reason for trusted adults like teachers to make students feel even worse about themselves.

Unfortunately, this story of a bad teacher is far from the first that we’ve covered at Bored Panda. So why are there so many educators who seem to hate their jobs? Well, for one thing, being a teacher, especially in the United States, is a notoriously low paying job. In 2024, the average teaching salary comes out to $69,554, We Are Teachers reports, varying widely from state to state. 

Great teachers are absolutely crucial to the success of future generations

Image credits: Element5 Digital/Pexels (not the actual photo)

This is slightly higher than the average salary nationwide, which is currently $63,795. But teaching is often a thankless, emotionally exhausting job, which tends to require lots of planning and work outside of school hours. Plus, with nearly 350 school shootings in the United States in 2023, it can even be a dangerous profession.

Teaching can also be quite stressful, as there’s often pressure from parents and principals to have high test scores. It’s not always easy to pass students with flying colors though, as teachers are responsible for fairly evaluating their class’ work. And if kids aren’t doing their homework or studying enough, it’s going to reflect on their report card and on the teacher. 

But it’s crucial for the sake of our children and future generations that we have great educators in schools. Education is vital to a well-functioning society. Yet, when kids despise the teachers they spend 7 hours a day with, they’re not going to be very willing to get a lot out of their classes. 

Teachers of Tomorrow notes on their site that teachers are invaluable tools in society, as they pass knowledge on to younger generations, help develop critical thinking skills, inspire students, act as role models, help shape their communities, connect students with one another, boost confidence in young people and demonstrate the importance of education. 

We would love to hear your thoughts on this situation in the comments below, pandas. Do you think this woman and her former classmates had the right idea by getting their teacher fired? Feel free to share, and then if you’re interested in checking out another Bored Panda piece discussing teacher drama, we recommend reading this article next!

Many readers applauded the class for working together to get the teacher fired

Some even had similar stories of their own to share

The post erk Teacher Thinks Rules Don’t Apply To Him, Gets Fired After Students Maliciously Comply first appeared on Bored Panda.