Far From Shocking: RNC Attendees Abhorrently Played Clip From Video Of Ole Miss Student Making Monkey Noises & Racist Gestures At Black Woman

2024 Republican National Convention

Source: Anadolu / Getty


The Republican National Convention (RNC) reached a new low in Milwaukee this year, showcasing racism with a level of brazenness that left even the most cynical observers stunned.

On the final night of the convention, a video played featuring a white University of Mississippi fraternity member making monkey gestures at a Black woman during a pro-Palestinian protest on campus.

As we previously reported in May, no arrests were made, and the air was filled with “Lock her up,” and “F*ck Joe Biden” chants during the tense standoff. It was a sickening display like the ones that haunted that land for generations.

According to The Hill, this abhorrent clip was intended to praise anti- “woke” college students.

The narrator of the video was heard saying;

“These students are giving us some hope there that not all college students have gone woke.”


Excuse me? Wake. Up.

The sheer audacity of playing such a blatantly racist clip at a national political event did not go unnoticed. News One states that the RNC commentator’s praise for this display of bigotry was a clear indication of the party’s stance.

The hypocrisy of white conservatives who decry being labeled as racists while demonstrating intentional racism…Amerikkka at its finest. 

Backlash from the Biden Campaign

Democratic leaders swiftly condemned the video. Senior spokesperson for the Biden campaign, Sarafina Chitika, did not mince words.

“Donald Trump promised unity at his convention. Instead, he delivered bigotry, division, and straight-up racism that turned dog whistles into bullhorns,” The Hill reports Chitika said.

She added that the video showed the GOP’s pandering to voters of color was “nothing more than lip service to paper over decades of racism.”

It’s truly disgusting how this convention was made to become a platform for amplifying hate.

The footage also sparked a firestorm on social media.

Is the behavior exuded by the RNC who we trust in upholding democracy? This was a national convention. Just sloppy. To make matters worse, some political leaders are using this moment to continue sweeping their intentions under the rug amid the upcoming election.

Republican Rep. Mike Collins, who initially praised the counter-protesters, backtracked, with a statement to The Hill.

“If that person is found to have treated another human being improperly because of their race, they should be punished appropriately, and will hopefully seek forgiveness.”

A Pattern of Racism



Source: JIM WATSON / Getty

This incident is just the tip of the iceberg. The GOP’s history of racist rhetoric and policies is well-documented. Trump’s record includes telling Black and brown congresswomen to “go back where they came from,” describing laziness as a trait in Blacks, and attacking critical race theory.

His administration’s actions included issuing an executive order banning diversity training and promising to end all DEI programs if reelected.

The GOP’s systematic efforts to dilute Black voting power through redistricting, whitewashing Black history, and waging war against critical race theory further cement their racist agenda.

The RNC’s decision to highlight such an egregious display of racism underscores the GOP’s blatant disregard for racial equity and inclusion. The perception of MAGA World’s racism doesn’t need to be painted by the media or Democrats—it’s glaringly visible for anyone who cares to look.