Man Finds Out GF Is Cheating And Publicly Exposes Her During Her Birthday Party

There is no excuse for cheating because it absolutely shatters the trust a person has put in their partner and the security they had in the relationship. Some cheaters even try to justify their behavior by giving excuses, but nothing can heal such a wound so easily.

Unless the other partner decides to take revenge, and even that may not help as much. Fortunately for us, one man tested this theory by publicly humiliating his cheating girlfriend in front of everyone she knew. Ultimately, he wasn’t sure if he was right to do that.

More info: Reddit

Boyfriend was shocked when he found out girlfriend had cheated on him with one of his boys, he committed the ultimate act of revenge by exposing her secret to everyone

Image credits: freepik (not the actual photo)

The poster explained that his relationship of 3 years seemed perfect until his girlfriend began acting strangely by avoiding him, coming home later, or being secretive 

Image credits: Porapak Apichodilok (not the actual photo)

He had a gut feeling something was wrong and decided to go through her phone, he found a chat she had with her bestie that detailed the affair she was having with his friend

Image credits: Pavel Danilyuk (not the actual photo)

When he confronted her, she denied everything and called him paranoid, but he was hurt and decided to do something about it on her birthday

Image credits: u/Cuttie_Smile

While giving a speech about her, he dropped the bombshell that she was cheating and he sent the incriminating messages to her birthday group

Although the poster’s cheating girlfriend could not own up to her actions, the man knew something was wrong in their relationship. He said that he had a “gut feeling” and decided to investigate. When he found the messages about her affair, he was shocked and heartbroken. The hurt and anger he must have felt pushed him to commit this act of revenge on her birthday.

Psychologists say that cheating can not only ruin trust in a relationship, but it may make the other partner feel angry or vengeful. The victim may engage in reckless behaviors, call the cheater names, or try to take revenge on them for their actions. All of this may happen because they don’t know how to deal with the pain they are feeling and want the other person to feel the same way.

The victim may even go through all the stages of grief, like shock, anger, bargaining, sadness, remorse, and acceptance after getting cheated on. But, professionals say that feeling these emotions and coming to terms with them is essential to the healing process. However, the girlfriend may disagree because she eventually had to face the brunt of her boyfriend’s anger.

He took his chance at her birthday party to let everyone know exactly what she had done. But this did not go down well, as the cheater left crying and feeling embarrassed. Her family blamed him for humiliating her, and her friends badmouthed him. But he still felt like she deserved all of it because of her horrible betrayal.

Image credits: freepik (not the actual photo)

Infidelity can have a long-term impact on a person’s psychological well-being. It can affect one’s self-esteem, leave the victim at risk of developing unhealthy coping mechanisms, and make them feel depressed. The partner who got cheated on may also find it hard to trust other people again after having been hurt by the person they cared about so much.

Everyone’s first thought when being betrayed like this would be to take revenge on the cheating partner. But, according to Verywell Mind, “in your furious state, your first instinct may be to punish your mate by trash-talking him to friends (or worse, on social media), or think about having an affair yourself to get even.”

“You may get a temporary sense of satisfaction from these sorts of actions, but ultimately, they can work against you, keeping you in a state of anger instead of focusing on healing and moving on, alone or together,” they add.

It’s best not to do something that can hurt the other person because it hardly ever resolves the feelings of pain. One way to cope with being cheated on is to understand that it isn’t your fault that it happened. Rather than blaming oneself and making matters worse, it is better to try to move on and heal.

Whether you think that cheaters should get what they deserve or that revenge is bad, you can’t help but applaud the man’s timing since he waited for the perfect moment to get even. This hotly debated post got 12k upvotes, with some folks supporting him, others bashing his decision, and a handful doubting the story. 

What do you think about the guy’s plan of revenge? What would you have done if you were in his position? Tell us in the comments!

One netizen pointed out that cheaters don’t really get a choice on how their affair should be exposed

The post Man Finds Out GF Is Cheating And Publicly Exposes Her During Her Birthday Party first appeared on Bored Panda.