I Create ADHDinos Comics About The ADHD Experience In Adulthood (32 New Pics)

ADHDinos is a webcomic about the daily struggles I (and many others) experience with ADHD. I was recently diagnosed with ADHD as an adult and felt like I was on my own. I was then surprised to find such a massive and supportive online community where I was able to learn how to better navigate many of my problematic behaviors.

For more of my comics on Bored Panda, see part 1, part 2 and part 3.

More info: ADHDinos.com | Instagram | patreon.com | Facebook | tiktok.com


The comic actually started as a list of all the stuff I was struggling with (I guess it hasn't changed much in that sense). I figured it would be a little easier to address this stuff when it was on paper, so I've been writing them down since the night I was diagnosed with ADHD. Within a couple of days, I made the first comic, building it around the name ADHDinos, which I thought was really funny. That first comic talked about avoiding big tasks by completing small ones, something I had been doing for years.



Since starting the comic, I've gotten into the habit of writing everything down. I have about 1600 notes at the moment (now sorted!). I counted last week, and I'm averaging about 7 per day. The problem is- it's a lot of jibberish. Sometimes I'll go back to an idea and have no clue what I was getting at. I've learned, however, that it's best to write everything down because some of this stuff is hard to articulate, and sometimes it takes a couple of tries to get right.



I struggled with all of this stuff for a really long time... I still do, of course, but knowing that I'm not alone was a huge first step toward improving. For the first time in a really long time, I'm not too busy hating and berating myself to actually address the issues I'm facing. There really is no shame in struggling, nor is there shame in getting help when you need it. My progress hasn't been linear, but I can zoom out and see the general trend of improvement, which is really nice.



If you like my work consider supporting me on Patreon, it's the best way to support the series! Every comic to date is available as a T-Shirt on my new website. "ADHDinos: The Land Before Time Management" will be available this spring!
























