Keep Your Blood Sugar Under Control: 8 Herbal Remedies Every Black Person Should Know

The Centers for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), states that diabetes is a chronic (long-lasting) health condition that influences the way your body converts food into energy. Over time, diabetes can lead to serious health problems like heart disease, loss of eyesight, and kidney disease. While there currently isn’t a cure for diabetes, eating healthy food and staying active can help. 

Several alternative therapies function as great options for diabetes treatment. Acupressure, acupuncture, and naturopathy can potentially help reduce dependence on these medicines. Naturopathy cures use many herbs as a part of their treatment of high blood sugar. Today, BlackDoctor.Org will list a few herbs that can help reduce blood sugar.

How Diabetes Impacts Black Populations

  • In 2019, non-Hispanic Black Americans were two times more likely than non-Hispanic Caucasians to pass away from diabetes.

  • In 2018, Black American adults were 60 percent more prone than non-Hispanic white adults to receive a diagnosis of diabetes from a physician.

  • In 2019, non-Hispanic Black people were 2.5 times more susceptible to needing a hospital visit because of diabetes and related long-term complications compared to non-Hispanic whites.

  • In 2019, non-Hispanic Black Americans were 3.2 times more likely to get diagnosed with the final stage of renal disease versus non-Hispanic whites.

1. Bless Your Nose (and Blood Sugar) With Rosemary

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That yummy scent in some of your favorite soups and curries is thanks to the rosemary herb. Not only does rosemary help encourage weight loss, but it also levels out your blood sugar levels. Rosemary is also in charge of decreasing low cholesterol (LDL) and boosting good cholesterol (HDL).

2. Thank Your Body With Some Ginseng

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In oriental medicine, ginseng has been used for its beneficial characteristics for centuries. Its superlative immune-boosting qualities make it anti-diabetic. Ginseng lessens how quickly carbs are absorbed in your body. Ginseng also speeds up the development of insulin through the pancreas.

3. The Rage for Sage

Studies have found sage to be beneficial in dropping blood sugar levels significantly, more so when taken on an empty tummy. Incorporating sage into your daily diet amplifies the secretion of insulin and helps take care of diabetes in a better way. Your best method of consumption is tea.

4. Gymnema Sylvestre or Gurmar

This herb has been featured in ayurvedic solutions for diabetes in India since ancient times. It has gymnemic acids, which make your taste buds neutral on your tongue when ingesting sweet stuff. This is useful if you’re trying to curb those sweet tooth cravings that kick in. The herb also supports the natural process of using excess glucose in your bloodstream.

RELATED: 10 Surprising Causes of Blood Sugar Swings for Black Americans

5. Can’t Say No to Oregano

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This herb has a two-pronged impact when it comes to high blood sugar. It reinforces the activity in the pancreas to produce more insulin and limits blood sugar levels by combating urges for sweets. The glucose in your cells starts to mobilize because of particular components that exist in oregano. Aside from improving immune health as a whole, it diminishes the creation of carbohydrates in your body.

6. A(love) Yourself Vera Much

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This fleshy plant makes up a critical segment of alternative medicine in India, Mexico, Australia, and South America. Aloe vera also minimizes inflammation in your body and eases indigestion. Inflammation in the body is a common cause of various chronic diseases including diabetes.

7. Binge On Ginger

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Ginger is extensively integrated into Chinese and Indian dishes. The aromatic herb has been used to ward off