Dragon’s Dogma 2 Players Are Learning Not to Forge Everything the Hard Way

  • Dragon's Dogma 2 players are trying to duplicate important items in the game, only to learn that the replicas don't work.
  • Forgery of important items like Portcrystals or Golden Trove Beetle can be done but the replicas have incorrect names and they don't work like the other duplicated items.
  • The only way to get multiple copies of the important items in Dragon's Dogma 2 is either finding them in the open world, or carrying forward to New Game +.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 has a unique Forgery system, which allows players to create duplicates of any items for gold. The Forgery feature may sound extremely broken, but it has a few drawbacks. One of the drawbacks is that you can only duplicate one item at a time, and it takes an entire day to complete. Another drawback is that it can be very expensive when duplicating rare items. However, the biggest problem Dragon’s Dogma players are facing is the third drawback, which is not so apparent unless you are reading the item descriptions properly. Forger Ibrahim Dragons Dogma 2Image Courtesy: In-game Screenshot Captured by Sanmay Chakrabarti

The third drawback is that players can duplicate important items by paying the required gold, but the duplicate item doesn’t work. A common trick many have tried, ever since the first game, was to forge Portcrystals. Duplicating Portcrystals may sound extremely smart, and you can duplicate the item, but the duplicated item is a complete scam and doesn’t work at all.

This is also true for Golden Trove Beetles in Dragon’s Dogma 2, which increases the encumbrance limit and Ferry Stones. Many new players have already fallen prey to this scam. Real and Duplicate portcrystalImage Courtesy: In-game Screenshot (Edited by Sanmay Chakrabarti)

But, why doesn’t the duplicated important items work, when it does for other items? It is because the duplicated important items are not a complete replica, and even have a different name than the original item. If you pay attention to the names of the duplicated Golden Trove Beetle, you will realize it is actually “Golden Tove Beetle”, or “Partcrystal” and not Portcrystal.

Why does the game have such a mechanic? We cannot be sure, but Capcom does have a tendency to troll players in their games (which I love about them), and this can be again observed in the ridiculous Inn pricing in Bakbattahl!

So, what to do with the duplicate item? A common trend in the original Dragon’s Dogma was gifting duplicate Portcrystals to Pawns for trolling other players, so you can try doing that. Or you can just keep it as a memento. The choice is yours at the end.

Tell us whether you fell for this scam in Dragon’s Dogma 2, and if you did then what have you done with the duplicate item, in the comment section.