Elliot Page Regrets Character's Homophobic Joke In "Juno"

At 37, Page is a celebrated actor, renowned for roles in films like "Inception," and notably as Viktor Hargreeves in the Netflix series "The Umbrella Academy."

Beyond his acting career, Page, known for his role in "Hard Candy," is vocal about LGBTQ rights, actively engaging in advocacy work.

Recently, Page has addressed a past moment in the film "Juno," expressing remorse over a joke made by his character.


In 2014, Page, who was presenting as female at the time, publicly came out as gay. Then, in 2020, he bravely came out as a transgender man, sharing his pronouns and embracing his new name.

His announcement read: "Hi friends, I want to share with you that I am trans, my pronouns are he/they and my name is Elliot. I feel lucky to be writing this. To be here. To have arrived at this place in my life."


"I love that I am trans. And I love that I am queer. And the more I hold myself close and fully embrace who I am, the more I dream, the more my heart grows and the more I thrive."

"To all trans people who deal with harassment, self-loathing, abuse and the threat of violence every day: I see you, I love you and I will do everything I can to change this world for the better."

imageElliot Page Regrets Character's Homophobic Joke In "Juno"

In his 2023 memoir, "Pageboy," Page delves deeper into his personal journey, offering insights into his life and identity beyond the spotlight.

"Shame had been drilled into my bones since I was my tiniest self, and I struggled to rid my body of that old toxic and erosive marrow," he writes.

Within the pages of his memoir, Page reveals a romantic connection with renowned actress Kate Mara, shedding light on this aspect of his personal life.


He claims: "I think my relationship, or whatever you want to call it with Kate, very much encapsulates a certain dynamic that I consistently found myself in, which was falling for people that – I think a lot of us do this – who aren't fully available."

"I think the love and care that we have for each other is its very own special thing."

"Separate from the intimacy that I write about."

imageElliot Page Regrets Character's Homophobic Joke In "Juno"

Additionally, Page discusses another romantic relationship in his memoir, further enriching the narrative of his life experiences.

During filming, the star of "X-Men: The Last Stand" alleges that he and a co-star from "Juno" frequently slept together.

"It was on. I had an all-encompassing desire for her, she made me want in a way that was new, hopeful," he recalls. "It was one of the first times someone would make me c**, the first time I would open up."


"Her hotel room, in our trailers at work, once in a tiny, private room in a restaurant… We thought we were being subtle."

"Being intimate with her helped my shame dissipate. I didn't see a glint of it in her eyes and I wanted that – done feeling wretched about who I am."

However, Page's reflections on his time filming "Juno" extend beyond this revelation.

imageElliot Page Regrets Character's Homophobic Joke In "Juno"

In an interview with Bustle, Page voices his disapproval of one of the jokes made by his character in the popular film.

During a conversation about potential names for Juno's unborn baby, Mark (portrayed by Jason Bateman) suggests "Madison," referencing his wife's preference.

Juno responds: "Madison? Wait, hold on…Isn't that like a little, gay?"

Page explains that at the moment his character made the joke, he didn't fully grasp its implications, elaborating: "So many movies I loved as a kid are just rampant with homophobia and transphobia and biphobia, and I'm not excusing it by any means."


"It really hurts the industry and it really hurts film. We need more stories. We need more representation. We need more points of view."