“Sucks Tea Bags Dry”: 38 People Share Hilariously Disgusting Things Their Messy Partners Do

Being in a relationship with someone often means loving them for who they are. That includes all their flaws and weird habits. Nobody is perfect in this regard – both you and your partner likely have traits that drive the other one crazy. And the answers in this thread might just be proof of that.

Not sure if you should get into another fight with your SO over their dirty socks lying on the floor again? Check out these answers, and you'll feel way better about your own nasty habits. Some are maddening, others – hilariously disgusting. And if you have a gross habit of your partner's that drives you crazy, Pandas, share it with us in the comments!


Sleeps with a stinking, rotten ‘blankie’ that never gets washed and is quite possibly the cause of Covid-19.

Image credits: goat_screamPS4


My boyfriend has allergy issues, and has a runny nose 90% of the time so he always has a tissue with him. It’s not the runny nose that’s gross, it’s the leaving of the snotty wet tissues that’s gross. On the couch. On the table. On the bed. Kitchen counter. Bathroom vanity. Window sill beside the toilet. EVERYWHERE.

If I don’t pick them up, the dog will - then I have to pull out a snotty tissue from my dogs slobbery mouth.?.

Image credits: howdyimvictoria


He doesn’t brush his teeth everyday. He’s starting to do it more but, I hate to say it, it took a lot of nagging and begging him to be better about it. Sometimes his breath smells so bad but I’m just used to it bc he smokes and cigarette smell doesn’t bug me much. I’ve accepted that this is the one red flag I have to deal with and it’s a work in progress but my habits are slowly rubbing off on him but oml don’t judge me.

Image credits: Unhappy_Turnover_956


Mixes M&Ms and skittles in a bowl and eats them together.

We've been married 25 years and have 2 grown children. When I see her do it makes me question every choice I've ever made.

Image credits: senorspanky


Constantly see his booty crack. But I love the guy. He has no a*s. Makes it hard for belts to stay put.

Image credits: you_you_still


He sometimes eats while in the bathroom taking a s**t. He'll also try to feed me snacks in the bathroom, like if he's made cookies and saw me walk past to go pee. (I only ever eat in the bathroom if I'm having a long soak in the tub.).

Image credits: Tiny_Parfait


Sucks her tea bags dry.

Image credits: uses_facts_badly


He forcefully gags himself when brushing his teeth to remove phlegm. It’s a shockingly loud gag noise every single tooth brushing.

Image credits: throwawayhellp87258


She squeezes the toothpaste tube in the middle, leaving a dent on it.

Image credits: Zeikos


Clips his nails with his teeth and sets the clippings on different countertops.

Image credits: Normal_Control_6428


Leaves used q tips everywhere! His ears are the cleanest I've ever seen but still can't stand finding them in random spots days later.

Image credits: Madigaggle


He picks his teeth with the point of a sharp knife. It's not particularly gross, but the thought of metal against teeth makes me cringe so hard, I can't stand it.

Image credits: kuro-oruk


Multiple times I saw my ex pick a booger and flick it off into his room Also, about 3 months after we broke up I was cleaning under my bed and found different pieces of gum stuck to the bottom of my bed frame. (Mind u he’s the only other person to sleep in my bed).

Image credits: NaturalSomewhere7117


She's averse to wasting water (particularly flushing the toilet), especially when it's just pee... So she will allow a day's worth of pee to accumulate, only for me to have to flush when I get home from work. I tell her all the time to flush every 3 pees, but I'm apparently the default toilet flusher for #1.

Image credits: BrownRecluse90


Picks at dandruff while relaxing on the couch. They are huge chunks. Then when he gets up he gives the furniture a hearty sweep with his hand. But yknow that just moves them to the carpet.

Can we just… not…pick at the scalp?

Image credits: getmyhopeon


Biting my toenails. You read that right. Not her toenails but mine. I don't like it but it doesn't do any harm to me. Then she'll chew on them for hours.

Image credits: Jerico_Hellden


Bites whole a*s cartoonish chunks out of cheese we have in the fridge, I think it's funny af and we laugh about it but she's actually a rat.

Image credits: Suicide_Egg


He puts his toothbrush upside down in the holder. He's a monster. But I love him.

Image credits: BoldBraveBroken


Doesn't hold back burps or farts. I'm a full defender on letting it out but it's not so great while having a serious conversation or right after being told someone close to you died. Especially because their farts smell like death.

Image credits: LittleRubberDucky54


To take his medication in pill form: He chews up a big piece of food, spits it out in a ball, shoves his medication in it, throws the ball of food back in his mouth and swallows it whole.

Image credits: rfleming88


Clean his a*s in the sink after a poop! Mind you, I bought a bidet attachment that he just needs to get the plumber to connect!

Image credits: sangresangria13


My ex never cleaned her room and she had guinea pigs and hadn’t clean their cages on a regular basis that it was attracting flies while she just sat there on TikTok, I had cleaned her room my third visit to her because I couldn’t stand it and had to take the guinea pig cage outside and scrape the bottom, wipe it, and let it soak for over an hour.

Image credits: kevinmaceleven0


Nearly dying from choking on stringy cheese every time she eats a mozzarella stick. She never learns.

Image credits: NoHeroes94


Watches pimple popping videos.

Image credits: WorstLuckChuck


His dog sleeps in bed with him The dog regularly p*sses in said bed. After an uncountable number of bed toppers, comforters and sheets; I'm seriously rethinking this relationship. Edit to add: I'm not a dog hater...or at least I wasn't until this dog. Well I don't actually hate the dog. It could've been trained. But nope. This dog randomly sh*ts in the living room and has such "favorite" p*ssing areas in the house that the wood laminate floors are all ruined. The dog has a doggy door. It can't be put on a leash because it doesn't like collars/leashes. It never gets reprimanded for any bad behavior and regularly goes after anyone even if my BF is right there. Oh and I can't hug or kiss my BF without the dog going off.

Image credits: nobody_not_knowing


When he gets really comfy and into deep sleep he farts up a storm and I think it’s the cutest thing ever. Luckily, there is no smell, just little happy toots and his mumbling conversations. I love him so much.

Image credits: AfterwhileNecrophile


Digs his finger in his nose multiple times to find boogers and eats them - cleaning out under his nails with his tongue.


Eat hard uncooked ramen packs like they’re goddamned rice crispy treats every day for lunch. He can get lunch if he wants to, he just doesn’t and I don’t get it.


He doesn't use a napkin. Like never. Not even if he is eating pizza or burguer with his bare hands. He will simply rub one hand with the other once he's finished.

Then he will proceed to use those dirty hands to either pet our dog or use the keyboard on the pc.


She wears daily wear contacts. She will take them out, and leave them in random places instead of throwing them in the trash. They are a pain to clean because when they dry up, they are hard to peel off of whatever surface they are on (bathroom/kitchen sink countertops, wooden desktop, wooden filing cabinet, wooden nightstand, hardwood floors, etc.).


He sometimes does not wipe his a*s after he s**ts. He says he can tell if it’s a messy one or a clean one. One time I caught him in the act and told him straight up he needed to wipe rn and prove it to me that it was clean. Y’all. He was right. It was spotless. I thought he didn’t wipe hard on purpose and I made him let me do it. Clean still. I still don’t approve.


Farts in her sleep, wakes up because of the smell then gets upset and blames me for farting. Been together for 10 years and its still funny.


She thinks it’s funny to show me her menstruating blood . In the shower . She will call me to the shower and set up a fake murder scene with this stuff just so I gag and she can laugh at me .

Image credits: Jerseyshoore


Mine hacks and spits into the garbage can by the laundry. I don't always get a bag into the can because it's supposed to be just for lint or paper trash. He misses a lot and the wall next to it shows. 

Or he spits into the toilet and again misses. 

Why. Why does he have to spit? I told him either spit outside or spit into toilet paper. I've shown him the wall, it's so gross. I no sooner get it clean and it's gross again. 

Oh and he leaves his used dental picks on his desk. His garbage can is right there!

His office, I leave to him. I may make him clean the spit wall next time. 

But he does do laundry and the dishes, so that's something. .

Image credits: teamdogemama


Bites his toenails. I'm not sure whether he eats the findings or not. I don't want to know.

But I cut my toenails maybe once every 6 months so we're at an impasse in regards to our toenail situations.


My wife always vomits with force. It's never just "Blehgh" and a puddle on the floor. Exorcism s**t, *every* time. Last time she did it while laying on my side of the bed, and hit the far wall, the dresser, clean laundry, and the lion's share in our toy box.

Took three trips to clean up all the puke because I had to step out to stop feeling sick from the smell.

A very close second would be the time she had the flu and s**t herself in the tub, only losing because I was able to just hose it all away. The puke required *elbow grease*.


She grabs my belly fat and wobbles it, saying that it's cute and she doesn't care, but I still think it's her asian way of low-key fat shaming me.

Image credits: str85


She poops herself all the time.

But she's had a stroke, so i don't mind at all.

Image credits: tikkymykk