Phone Store Employee Reenacts 9 Real Interactions She Had With Clueless Boomers Who Just Couldn’t Figure Out Technology

Baby boomers — or just boomers — are people who were born between 1946 and 1964. Their generation makes up a substantial portion of the world's population, especially in developed nations. (According to the latest census report, it represented 73 million of the population in the United States in 2019.)

These folks have witnessed the expansion of radio and television, but when it comes to modern technology, their experiences are vastly different from younger generations. And a recent TikTok video by phone store employee and content creator Liv Gilmore vividly illustrates this point.

Image credits: livvy.gilmore

Reenacting the most memorable interactions she's had with her boomer clients, Liv highlighted that plenty of them struggle to navigate even basic device functions, such as adjusting the screen's brightness.


Image credits: livvy.gilmore

So far, Liv's video has been viewed over 9 million times, inspiring people to share similar experiences in the comments


Image credits: livvy.gilmore

So far, Liv's video has been viewed over 9 million times, inspiring people to share similar experiences in the comments


Image credits: livvy.gilmore

So far, Liv's video has been viewed over 9 million times, inspiring people to share similar experiences in the comments


Image credits: livvy.gilmore

So far, Liv's video has been viewed over 9 million times, inspiring people to share similar experiences in the comments


Image credits: livvy.gilmore

So far, Liv's video has been viewed over 9 million times, inspiring people to share similar experiences in the comments


Image credits: livvy.gilmore

So far, Liv's video has been viewed over 9 million times, inspiring people to share similar experiences in the comments


Image credits: livvy.gilmore

So far, Liv's video has been viewed over 9 million times, inspiring people to share similar experiences in the comments


Image credits: livvy.gilmore

So far, Liv's video has been viewed over 9 million times, inspiring people to share similar experiences in the comments


Image credits: livvy.gilmore

So far, Liv's video has been viewed over 9 million times, inspiring people to share similar experiences in the comments