Woman Overcome With Tears Following Her First Day At 9-5 Job


Starting your first job after college can evoke a range of emotions, regardless of the nature of the work.

You might feel excited about embarking on this new chapter and earning your own income, or you might be anxious, unsure of what to expect.

For one recent graduate, the experience was undoubtedly overwhelming.

Brielle, known as @brielleybelly123 on TikTok, went viral after sharing a video about her first day at her new job.


The overlay text in the video read: "QOTD (question of the day) in a 9-5 how do you have time for your life."

Brielle captioned it: "I'm also getting sick, leave me alone. I'm emotional, OK, I feel 12 and I'm scared of not having time to live."

Woman Overcome With Tears Following Her First Day At 9-5 Job

Many individuals have come to Brielle's defense in the comments, with one person stating, "The 40-hour work week is beyond outdated and your feelings are totally valid."

Another commenter adds, "You're not alone. It's insane how legit your entire day is gone. This is why we need 4-day work weeks."

Echoing this sentiment, a third individual says, "It's so repetitive and depressing, I feel you girl."


"This is exactly how I felt when I was 22 after I graduated college," shares a fourth. "I'm 28 now. You will adjust. Also, having a job you are passionate about helps."

However, not everyone has been sympathetic to Brielle's video.

Woman Overcome With Tears Following Her First Day At 9-5 Job

Some individuals offered less sympathetic responses, with one patronizingly writing, "Aww, welcome to adulthood."

"I guess I was brought up in a different generation. That is life," remarked a second commenter.

Another added, "I work 4am to 7pm or longer. Still make dinner, run and gym."

In the original video that sparked the discussion, Brielle appeared visibly upset as she described her job as 'in person', requiring a lengthy commute to the city that left her exhausted.


She dismissed the possibility of relocating to the city due to its unaffordability.

Brielle expressed, "If I was able to walk to work it wouldn't be an issue. I get on the train at 7:30 and don't get home until 6:15 [at the] earliest."

She lamented that she no longer had time for anything else, as her job left her with barely enough time to shower, eat dinner, and sleep.

With tears in her eyes, Brielle shared her frustration, not with the job itself, but with the 9-5 working lifestyle.

Woman Overcome With Tears Following Her First Day At 9-5 Job

"Like if it was remote, you get off at five and you're home and everything is fine. But I'm not home, like it takes me long to get home," she added.

Following the video's viral spread, Brielle spoke to The Independent, emphasizing the need for societal change.

She expressed to the publication, "I want to be able to talk for this next generation and explain that a 40-hour work week plus commute is not necessary for productivity."


Brielle added that she hopes 'more companies consider following in other countries' footsteps regarding the work week'.

Woman Overcome With Tears Following Her First Day At 9-5 Job

In a surprising turn of events months later, the TikToker disclosed that she had been terminated from her job.

Captioning a video, she expressed, "Can someone tell me I'm going to be OK!!!! Feels like the world is ending, I need a job immediately. I am feeling so lost right, like I moved for this…?!"

Brielle went on to reveal, "I'm not going to sit here and cry, but I got laid off from my first post-grad job and the one that took me five months to find, and I moved to New York City for."


Expressing her disappointment, she conveyed, "It makes you feel like you're not good enough, and I know that I am."

"I'm a hard worker and my boss said I'm one of the smartest people he's ever had working under him, and he knows I'm going to land on my feet."

"I have a degree – I've done everything I'm supposed to do: I did two internships, I built a portfolio, I worked freelance out of school because I was building my portfolio. I did things for free."


"I have done everything I possibly could have, and it's still not enough."

Thankfully, Brielle has since secured a new job, which she shared with her followers in an update.
