“You’re So Out Of Line”: Husband Rages At Wife For Checking Nanny Cam Footage To Prove She Was Being Lied To

It’s no big news that no relationship is easy; after all, they involve bringing together two different people with, more often than not, completely opposite outlooks on life – so it’s natural to encounter a couple of bumps along your journey!

However, when it’s a continuous issue that makes you feel like you’re losing your sanity – for instance, even during the silliest quarrels over garlic bread – perhaps, it’s time to raise the alarm.

More info: Reddit

Husband tries to munch away on wife’s dinner without asking her first

Image credits: joaquin uy (not the actual photo)

The woman stops him and demands that he ask her first as he is setting a bad example for their 5-year-old kid

Image credits: Antoni Shkraba (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Marco Arment (not the actual photo)

Image source: Low_Environment567

AITA for checking our nanny cam footage to prove I was being lied to?” – this web user took to one of Reddit’s most judgmental communities, asking its members if she’s indeed a jerk for using their nanny cam footage to prove to her husband that he lied to her during dinnertime. The post managed to garner nearly 10K upvotes as well as 1.7K comments discussing the situation.

Being in a romantic relationship can be a grand thing!

You get emotional support, companionship, intimacy, and connection; you grow together, discover new things about each other, share mutual goals, and ultimately experience unconditional love and acceptance from your significant other. 

However, the issue is that sometimes the person that’s meant to be your better half does nothing but drive you absolutely mad. Of course, we’re all human, and it just so happens that we do make mistakes every once in a while that could potentially hurt our partner, but when you start to notice a pattern – in this author’s case, never-ending gaslighting over the most trivial things – perhaps, it’s time to choose what’s really best for you.

Now, abuse comes in all forms, and gaslighting is also a part of it!

In short, what happens is one person convinces their, well, “target” that their memories are inaccurate or that their interpretation of the situation is flawed – pretty much crystal-clear emotional manipulation. 

To paint a better picture of how common the problem actually is, the Newport Institute, a nationwide series of evidence-based healing centers dedicated to transforming the lives of folks struggling with mental health issues, reported that according to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, “74% of female victims of domestic violence also experienced gaslighting from their partner or ex-partner.”

Gaslighting can be a tough nut to crack – however, there are a couple of signs that could help you recognize that you’re, in fact, a victim. For instance, your partner insists that you said or did things that you know you didn’t do; they deny your recollection of events, often twisting the situation to make it seem like it was your fault; and of course, stand by the idea that they are right and refuse to consider your point of view.  

Later the man tries to gaslight his wife about what really happened, but she checks the nanny cam footage to prove him wrong

Image credits:  Obi Onyeador (not the actual photo)

The original poster of today’s tale, a Redditor that goes by u/Low_Environment567, is no stranger to this situation. The couple often quarrels about how things happen – however, a recent event provoked the woman to seek other measures to finally prove a point to her “habitual gaslighter” of a husband, to use the words used by one of the commenters.

It all started when her spouse decided to take some food off of their daughter’s plate during dinnertime when the toddler interfered and essentially told him that he needed to ask first. The man acknowledged his mistake and apologized. However, shortly after, he did the exact same thing to his wife; naturally, the woman didn’t want to let it go as she didn’t want to set a bad example for her 5-year-old, so she called her partner out on it. 

The man tried to justify his actions by the fact that he’d just assumed that she was done with her dinner, but quickly corrected himself and asked if he could have some. She agreed, and he went on to munch on some garlic bread.

The author then revealed that they’d used this situation in marriage counseling since it was a lighthearted example that nobody really had an issue with, yet things went south when the man only wanted to share his, obviously altered, version of this food fight. 

The woman knew that it was nonsense, and quite frankly, began feeling “crazy,” which prompted her to check their nanny cam footage to establish what really happened and prove to her husband that he’d indeed lied to her. 

Needless to say, the man went off his rocker, claimed that his wife was totally out of line for doing so, and eventually stormed out. 

Do you think it was a jerky thing to do, or do you side with the author of the post?

Fellow online community users shared their thoughts and opinions on the matter

The post “You’re So Out Of Line”: Husband Rages At Wife For Checking Nanny Cam Footage To Prove She Was Being Lied To first appeared on Bored Panda.