Your Personal Travel Bucket List, According to Your Zodiac

Whenever I go on vacation, my main goals are standard: get some rest and explore a new destination. However, this tiny part of me also longs for an Eat, Pray, Love moment where a trip completely transforms me. That’s not to say I’m disappointed when this doesn’t happen. It’s more like this little voice in the back of my mind that reminds me of a vacation’s potential. You’re somewhere new, and you throw the rules of your everyday life out the window, so who knows what could happen?

With my hopeful, slightly woo-woo outlook on vacations, my interest was immediately piqued when I stumbled across the concept of astrocartography. This astrology-based practice identifies places in the world that have the potential to hold major significance in your life. So, if you’re looking to build a travel bucket list that is literally written in the stars, keep reading to learn more about astrocartography and how to use it in your travel plans.

“Astrocartography maps your birth chart onto a world map to identify places that may hold significance in your life.”

What is astrocartography?

If this is your first time hearing about astrocartography, let me break it down for you. It’s an offshoot of astrology that maps your birth chart onto a world map to identify places that may hold significance in your life. Basically, astrocartography traces each planet’s path across the globe and the lines they create when you are born. Each planetary line provides a specific energy you can experience when you visit somewhere nearby. For instance, the locations along your Venus line are associated with romance and love, so you might consider visiting someplace along that line if you’re ready to meet The One.

How do you find your astrocartography map?

Figuring out your astrocartography chart is as simple as plugging your birth date, time, and location into a website like, which will do all the work for you. Your personalized map will appear with a bunch of seemingly random crisscrossed lines running through it. Those are the planetary lines (each one is associated with a specific planet), and you can rest assured that there’s a method to their madness.

Source: Lauren Blue

What does each planetary line mean?

If you’re confused by what all the planetary lines mean, we’ve got you. Read on for a breakdown of what each planet’s line represents and which one to look at, based on the type of trip you want.

If you’re planning a solo trip: Sun

Traveling somewhere on or near your sun line can lead to self-discovery and realization. These places can increase self-confidence and make you feel more at home in your own skin. They’re great for solo trips or retreats where you’re on a mission to get more in touch with yourself.

If you want a trip that makes you feel something: Moon

The moon rules over your emotions, so you are likely to feel more intuitive, sensitive, and vulnerable when you’re in a destination along your moon’s planetary line. If you feel disconnected from your emotions, escaping somewhere near your moon’s line may help you reconnect. A vacation to one of these spots may force you to look inward and go deeper into yourself.

If you’re craving adventure: Mars

Mars is all about action, determination, and courage. You might experience more energy in places on your Mars line and act braver and bolder. For a vacay filled with high-adrenaline activities like skydiving or bungee jumping, it’s the line to look at. With their promise of adventure, locations along your Mars line should definitely be high on your bucket list.

If you want to find your soulmate: Venus

The Venus line is all about love and pleasure. Delete Hinge for good, and instead, just stop by somewhere on your Venus line to manifest love into your life. If you’re already cuffed, plan a romantic getaway with a current partner. You can even plan a holiday to strengthen your platonic relationships or to focus on your relationship with the most important person in your life: yourself.

If you want to learn something: Mercury

Places along or near your Mercury line are hotspots for intellectual activity and communication in your life. These places can give you a clearer mind, greater thinking abilities, and even networking opportunities. Your Mercury line will offer a busy vacation that stimulates your brain and helps you gain new skills. So, if you want to relax and do nothing for a week, set your sights somewhere else on your astrocartography map.

If you could use some luck in your life: Jupiter

If you’re envious of the people in your life who always seem to have “lucky girl syndrome,” the solution might be taking a quick jaunt to a destination along your Jupiter line. These places can amplify your luck and bring abundance into your life. On a vacation near your Jupiter line, all the pieces may seem to fall into place seamlessly.

If you want a trip that helps you grow: Saturn

Saturn has the reputation of being a problematic planet, but it’s just about realizing hard truths. If you travel to a destination near your Saturn line, you may find yourself learning to set more boundaries and take on more responsibility. Facing some challenges here is to be expected, but it’s also a huge opportunity to grow. Visit your Saturn-ruled destinations for things like workshops, trainings, or even business trips for the best travel experience.

If you want to tap into your spirituality: Neptune

Neptune has a mystical energy that combines dreams and reality, and your imagination may be heightened in these places. The Neptune line is perfect if you want to tap into your spiritual side or amplify your creativity. So, if you share my desire for an Eat, Pray, Love moment, Neptune is your girl.

If you’re feeling spontaneous: Uranus

If you missed out on a rebellious teen phase and have always wanted to imbue your adult life with a little edge, try a trip to a destination along your Uranus line. Uranus can help you escape a rut in your everyday life with its unpredictable energy. It’s ideal for spontaneous vacations where you opt for the path less traveled.

If you feel stuck in a rut: Pluto

We all get in those ruts where we feel stuck on a never-ending hamster wheel. When you’re in one of those phases, unsure of how to break away from your current routine, your Pluto line might be the fresh start you need. Pluto is the planet of rebirth, and visiting somewhere ruled by its energy can give you the push you need to break old patterns.

If you want to connect with your past or future: Lunar nodes

In addition to planetary lines, you will see a north and south node line on your map. The north node symbolizes your destiny, and the south represents the karmic past. Traveling to your north node may reveal your true purpose on Earth, while the south node is an opportunity to revisit your roots and connect to your past.

How can you use astrocartography in your travel plans?

There’s no guarantee that the energy in these locations will result in your dream vacation. Still, astrocartography is a far more fun way to create your ultimate travel bucket list than blindly throwing a dart at a map. The planetary energy influencing each line can also give you a stronger idea of what to expect on your vacation than any Tripadvisor review can. So, next time you’re sitting at your computer brainstorming where you might go next, pull up your astrocartography map and let the stars decide for you.

The post Your Personal Travel Bucket List, According to Your Zodiac appeared first on The Everygirl.