10 Ways To Treat RSV At Home

RSV treatment

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) affects many Americans every year. Some people may contract the highly contagious virus more than once in the same season. While children and older adults can have a few complications from getting RSV, a lot of people have mild symptoms that can be managed with at-home remedies. 

10 Ways To Handle RSV At Home

1. Stay Hydrated

When you’re sick, your body loses water while it’s fighting the infection. If you’re dehydrated, your body can’t fight as well. Water also helps to thin your mucus so it can keep moving and cut down on your congestion. While it’s best to drink water, tea can work too. You should avoid sugary drinks as they’re not as helpful.

2. Use Saline Drops

The salt in saline drops can help to clear congested nostrils while the water keeps the area moist. You can get saline drops at the pharmacy but you can also make your own by dissolving two teaspoons of non-iodized salt into four cups of distilled or boiled water. 

3. Take Steamy Showers

The steam from a hot shower or bath can also help to clear your congestion. For some added relief, some people place two or three drops of eucalyptus or menthol oil in the water. 

4. Use A Humidifier Or Vaporizer

Using a humidifier or vaporizer can add some much-needed moisture to the air in your home. If you use one, though, it’s best to clean it every three days to ensure that mold and bacteria don’t start to grow in it. 

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5. Try Deep Breathing

Studies show that practicing deep breathing while you have RSV can help to keep your lungs healthy. It can also help you to cough up any phlegm. 

6. Drink Some Honey

Honey can soothe your sore throat temporarily and may also ease your coughing. You can have a teaspoon of honey on its own or add it to a cup of non-caffeinated tea. Additionally, research shows that having a little honey before bed can help you to sleep better.

7. Have Some Chicken Soup

There are a few reasons to drink chicken soup when you have RSV. It’s a great source of fluid and electrolytes while also soothing your sore throat. The steam from the soup can also loosen the mucus in your nose. Additionally, one study suggested that chicken soup also has beneficial anti-inflammatory properties.

8. Get Some Rest

Nothing helps the body heal as much as getting the right amount of rest. Apart from sleeping for the eight hours that you need, doctors recommend taking it easy. You shouldn’t exert yourself as this will only prolong your illness. 

9. Avoid Cigarette Smoke

Cigarette smoke is an irritant so smoking or inhaling second-hand smoke can make your symptoms worse. 

10. Take Over-The-Counter Medication

If natural remedies aren’t doing the trick, don’t be afraid to get some over-the-counter medication. These can range from pain relievers to decongestants. If you take medications for a chronic illness or supplements, you should check with your doctor to ensure that there will be no negative interactions. 

Typical RSV Symptoms

It can take between four and six days for your symptoms to appear after being exposed to the virus. Generally, RSV causes mild cold-like symptoms like a dry cough, runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, headache, and low-grade fever. It’s common to feel better within a week or two.

Signs You Need Emergency Care

Sometimes, you can develop a severe case of RSV – even if you’re not in one of the groups that are more likely to experience complications. If that happens, the infection can spread to your lower respiratory tract to cause pneumonia or bronchitis. You may have a high fever, wheezing, and a severe cough. It’s unlikely that these symptoms can be handled with over-the-counter medication so it’s best to see your doctor.

If you’re breathing rapidly or have trouble breathing, it can lead to insufficient oxygen flow in your body. This will be apparent when your skin develops a bluish tint. This issue is an emergency, and you must go to the hospital immediately. 

Many adults only have mild symptoms when they contract RSV. That can make it easy for you to handle them at home. However, if your symptoms get worse, you need to see a doctor immediately so you can receive medical treatment.