64 Funny And Wholesome Bosses Who Genuinely Deserve The “World’s Best Boss” Mug (New Pics)

There's this trope that most people hate their boss. The Internet is ripe with pictures of bosses micromanaging, refusing to give raises, and just being plain jerks. Yet the reality might be different. According to a Pew survey, 55% of Americans have an excellent relationship with their boss, with 26% describing their relationship as "good."

This list might just be the proof that there are funny and wholesome bosses around. We've gathered the best examples of bosses who aren't afraid to be whimsical and nice to their employees and have earned the title of "Good Boss." Want proof that not everyone's boss is an insufferable jerk? Scroll away!

#1 My Boss Got A Puppy And Brought Her Into The Office. Productivity Went Waaay Down

Image credits: reddit.com

#2 Someone Asked The Boss If We Were Going To Have Cake For Halloween, He Disappeared And Came Back With This

Image credits: copperpin

#3 Started A New Job 3 Days Ago And I Just Lost A Family Member. This Is How My New Boss Responded. I Couldn’t Be Happier With My Decision To Work For Him. Take Notes, Employers - This Is How It’s Done

Image credits: Accurate_Leg_2447

In that same Pew survey, people also revealed the traits that, according to them, their good bosses have. The employees said their bosses are very good at giving their employees flexibility on work-life balance, giving the employees credit when it's due, and staying calm under pressure.

The gender of the boss doesn't matter to employees. Most are likely to say that their boss is good regardless of whether they're a man or a woman. They are, however, more likely to describe their boss as "caring" and more likely to give the employees credit. 

#4 Yesterday The Owner Of My Company Noticed That The Shoes I Had On Were Worn Through And The Jeans I Had On Had Holes In Them. I Was Planning On Getting A New Pair Of Each On My Next Paycheck. Today He Took Me To Costco And Bought Me 2 New Pairs Of Shoes, 4 New Pairs Of Jeans, And Some Food

I started in December of 2020 after being laid off/unemployed for a vast majority of the year. I’m still trying to get back on my feet financially and make ends meet. It was such an unbelievably nice gesture. I cried and gave him a hug. I can’t wait until I’m able to pay it forward.

Image credits: DRIPPINNNN

#5 Beautiful To Be Supported By Such A Thoughtful Team

Image credits: ohmystass

#6 Semi Load Of Water I Just Got To Donate

I actually work for a company that cares. My boss gave me $10k to help wildfire victims, doesn’t care how it helps as long as it helps. Started with a semi load of bottled water. In 3 decades of work, I’ve never worked for good people until now. Been smiling for 2 days about this.

Image credits: bigmilker

When asked whether they would like to work more for a man or a woman, a bigger percentage (15% vs 12%) veered towards having males as bosses. What's also interesting is that men prefer that their boss be male, while females prefer their bosses to be women. 

For women under 30 that seems to be particularly important, as one in ten of such respondents said they'd prefer if their boss was a woman. For other age groups of women and men, the percentages were much lower, under 20%.

#7 Alli Had A Very Rough Day At The Animal Hospital - My Employer Found Out And Sent Her A Care Package

Image credits: Dogsanddogs

#8 The Boss Is Clearly A Micromanager

Image credits: soursillypickle

#9 My Boss Writes Notes On His Hand And Photocopies It For Later

Image credits: LonelyLightningRod

What makes a good boss? Why are some loved and others hated? The truth is that many people who become bosses don't have the skills to be good leaders. As organizational development consultant and author of Work Jerks Louise Carnachantold us in a previous interview, most employees become bosses because they've worked at that place long enough or were very good at their jobs.

#10 This Is My Home Office My Whole Team Works Remotely Now Since Covid. Here’s The Shelf Next To The Desk Set Up. Still Need To Get One More Shelf To Complete The Space But I Love It So Much Already!

Image credits: btarmymama

#11 I'm The Only Gothic Person In The Office. Halloween Is My Favourite Time Of The Year. Came To Work To My Desk Decorated For The Day By My Managers

It was also my birthday earlier this month, but I was on holiday (which is why the desk wasn't decorated to begin with) so they got me a Halloween themed cake! Don't think I've ever felt this special. Happy Halloween everyone!

Image credits: Powerfluffgirl20

#12 I Jokingly Told My Boss My Basement Level Office Needed A Sky Light. He Made It Happen

Image credits: timrbrady

However, being good at your job doesn't always translate into being a good boss. As Carnachan told us previously, leading others is a completely different job, and many people thrown into the position of a boss can lack that competence. "Unless you've had a role model to follow, you're probably at sea about what to do," Carnachan noted.

#13 Best Boss Ever

Last week my boss asked me to go over some paperwork for a project, to which I said, I will make it a fun weekend activity to read through it with my son. For context, my wife and I have set a goal to read him 1000 books in 2024. We joked that the paperwork should count as 10 books, we chuckled and moved on. Today, I came in to work to find a couple books and this note with a couple books sitting at my desk. The fact that she cared enough to not only buy the books but to write this adorable note genuinely made me smile. It’s these small details that make her the best boss I have ever had.

Image credits: dijay0823

#14 What A Perfect Response

Image credits: tpwk_betch

#15 We Made Our Own Valentine's Day Boxes For Work. This Is My Boss

Image credits: MintyHippo6889

"Leadership training and coaching can help immensely, but not every organization makes this available," Carnachan explained. However, new bosses can become good leaders by educating themselves, too. "There are many good books and leadership classes you can take on your own or through your professional organization," according to Carnachan.

#16 I Asked My Boss If We Could Pose With (Some) Of Our Prop Money At The End Of The Day; He Insisted We Use All Of It

Image credits: lhbruen

#17 My Boss Lost A Bet

Image credits: yourbff

#18 Been Battling Mental Health Struggles The Better Part Of My Life And Finally Had A Psychotic Break Last Night And Am Now Seeking Care. Was So Nervous To Text My Supervisor About It. This Was His Response :')

Image credits: OurSpeciesFailed

Back then, Carnachan also told us that most employees say they have a good boss when they have similar characteristics, even if their personalities are completely different. "The commonalities of great leaders are that they ask questions, listen, know something about their direct reports lives (as in what's important to them, not by being intrusively personal)," Carnachan told us last year.

#19 Boyfriend Lost His Serving Job Because Of Corona. Bosses Cleared Out The Kitchen To Provide Food For Employees And Intend On Making Them Weekly Care Packages

Image credits: welcome2arbys

#20 The Manager At This Restaraunt Is Breaking Up The Lobster Shells For These Two Old Ladies Who Are Celebrating One Of Their Birthdays

Image credits: stevenson734

#21 Gonna Need To See Those Welds So I Can Pretend I Know A Lot About Welding

Image credits: billybrizzle420

Just as listed in the Pew survey, a good boss, according to Carnachan, also gives feedback on an employee's performance, sets clear goals and direction, has high expectations for themselves and their team, doesn't shy away from difficult conversations, and isn't afraid to admit when they've made mistakes. "These are people who are not only respected, they often are role models for future leaders," Carnachan explained.

#22 I’d Like One Please

Image credits: KLobstar

#23 My Boss Bought A Display Shelf For My Mocs

I got into vehicle procurement at the Fire Department (Berliner Feuerwehr) after I built a MOC of the first electric fire engine (2nd from the top, Rosenbauer RT) and brought it to their booth at a huge fire/rescue trade show 2 years ago.
Since then, I’ve accumulated quite a number of trucks, and the last time I brought one in my boss said that’s enough we need a display shelf (and I needed some space at home tbh).

Image credits: firestuds

#24 My “Boss” Just Sent Me This

I’ve been helping this girl out by doing chores at her apartment, caring for her pets, organizing, etc. since she is too busy because she is about to take her bar exam. I’m OBSESSED with dunkin refreshers, and I’ve shown up with one almost every week. I go over there this morning, and she sent me this literally could cry. She was paying attention, I see. It’s the little things. It really is.

Image credits: kalopsis-

A good boss also needs to constantly ask themselves: "Am I a good boss?" As Linda A. Hill and Kent Lineback write for the Harvard Business Review, "as they settle in and lose their fear of imminent failure, they often grow complacent. Every organization has its ways of doing things—policies, standard practices, and unspoken guidelines, such as 'promote by seniority' and 'avoid conflict.' Once they're learned, managers often use them to get by—to 'manage' in the worst sense of the word."

#25 My Boss Gifted Me My Dream Car

The Outback has always been my dream car for the last 10 years. Started out with an Impreza that ended up breaking my heart when the CVT died and I wasn’t in a position to get it fixed. I’d given my wants up to time, if I get it, awesome. If I don’t, I still have a vehicle.

I moved 2k+ miles with just my kitties from the state I grew up in 2021. Will be at my firm 2 years on 04/25. I had a car after the Impreza died, which happened 10 months after I moved, but the Volkswagen had been stolen (then returned 12 hrs later with 7 suitcases and fentanyl in it) and it was really janky and would break down a lot.

My boss saw I had a need and only out of the goodness of his heart fully paid for my ‘21 Outback. No strings. No payments to him. However he is an attorney and made me get an insane 1M policy. But I don’t complain about that at all. I got incredibly lucky as the amazing dealer found one with 1 owner who leased it so, it only had around 18k on it. I have my dream car. 5 months later I still can’t believe it. Absolutely floored. Hard work pays off in other ways than money or promotions.

I’m so eternally grateful for the people the Universe has put in my life. Words can’t explain my appreciation and safety knowing people I have no relation to has my back. And it gives me comfort to know that my closest friends and family to think of me in such a way to see me happy.

Image credits: cloudymint

#26 My Boss Ordered Me A Ham As A Bonus For Doing Good This Past Week, What Would You Guys Do If This Fell Into Your Possession?

I’m pretty much definitely going to wind up freezing most of it as I live with just my girlfriend and I don’t have family to share with, but I’d love some feedback on how to make the most of this beast.

Image credits: Gingy-Breadman

#27 My Boss Accidentally Wore His New Shoes To Work

Image credits: Cuddlemonster6060

A good boss also faces conflict head-on, although most tend to avoid it. "'I hate company politics!' they say. 'Just let me do my job,'" Hill and Lineback write. "But effective managers know they cannot turn away. Instead, with integrity and for good ends, they proactively engage the organization to create the conditions for their success."

#28 Last Day At Work, Boss Got Me A Cake

Image credits: sailingittakesmeaway

#29 I’m Full Time CS!! I Literally Wanted To Cry. My Managers Got Me A Balloon And Cupcake And Told Me It Was Well Deserved ?❤️ Very Grateful For The Team I Work With Everyday, I Wanna Cry I've Worked So Hard For This

Image credits: Old-Illustrator-4752

#30 Bro Boss

Image credits: Random013743

Who wouldn't wish to have a boss like the one on this list? What about you, Pandas, what's your relationship with your boss like? Let us know some feel-good, wholesome boss stories in the comments! And if you're looking for something similar to this list, check out our two previous articles in this series here and here!

#31 23 Years Ago, My Boss Gave Me This Ornament Because I Loved To Eat Hot Dogs For Lunch At Work

Image credits: ABeautifulSurrender

#32 Boss Surprised Me With Vegan Cupcakes For My Birthday

Image credits: reddit.com

#33 My Boss At My Internship Was Told By A Coworker That I Like To Listen To Music But Don't Have Headphones ATM, So He Gave Me A Headset!

Image credits: MrQuackalotOWO

#34 I Started My First Full Time Job Recently, And My New Supervisor Bought Me These

Image credits: YFIRedditOfficial

#35 Appreciation From My Boss. (I Work As A Nanny)

Image credits: Ivymoon89

#36 My Boss For Student Appreciation Week Gave Me This! I Feel So Lucky To Have Such Great People To Work With!!

Your strong work ethic is a shining example of what it means to be a dedicated professional. Thank you for your commitment to excellence.
Thank you!
Hilda Jennifer"

Image credits: MadlyJado

#37 Me: - I Have A Small Stapler, Do You Have A Bigger One? Boss: - Yes, Here You Go

Image credits: bel_luna27

#38 Went Away On A Trip, Found This On The Back Of An Update Note At My Job. If You Can't Tell I Love My Job And My Supervisor, They're The Best ?

"In case you were wondering, you were missed! Hope the trip was great."

Image credits: tersay

#39 So My Boss Ordered The Wrong Size Measuring Jugs. He Said It Was Such A Good Deal He Ordered 10!

Image credits: DublinItUp

#40 If You've Ever Felt Like An Idiot, There Are Two Managers On This Planet Who Were Tasked With Buying A Sofa For Their Office, And They Ordered It From A Doll Shop

Image credits: margyeezy

#41 Xmas Rolled In From The Boss

Image credits: NCC74656

#42 Owner Bought Us Steaks. One Of Our Techs Hit A Shop Record For Hours In A Day So The Boss Bought Steaks For Lunch.

Image credits: STR3TCH1982

#43 My Boss Gave Me My Christmas Gift A Little Early This Year. A Set Of All-Clad Plus A Cuisinart Food Processor!

Image credits: Mange-Tout

#44 Look What My Boss Gave Me!

It also came with 4 other games, link cable and wall adapter.

Image credits: Consistent-Order5375

#45 I Don’t Drink Coffee And This Morning My Boss Gave Me A Strange Beverage Simply Labeled As “Ocean” And Now My Brain Feels Like It Has 800 Hp And I Can Also See God

Image credits: blakesley_

#46 Gift From The Boss

I was joking with one of my bosses that when he went to Disney that he should bring me back a lightsaber. He jokingly told me one of the owners is a huge Star Wars guy himself and goes several times a year himself. I started joking with him that he should get me one next time he goes. Turns out he came back yesterday and he gifted me this bad boy today. I offered to throw him money for it but he insisted that I just have it for free. Definitely extremely grateful to my boss for this!

Image credits: silverwrx420

#47 Two Years Ago, The Company I Was Working For Was Bought Out And I Lost My Job. My Manager Sent Me This Hand Forged Knife As A Goodbye Present Because He Knew I Collected Knives. It's One Of The Kindes Gestures I've Ever Received

Image credits: JephriB

#48 This Is How Your Boss, Or In My Case The Owner Of The Company, Is Supposed To React

Image credits: Dwights_Son

#49 Rate My Outfit (This Was The Manager's Punishment For Being 30 Minutes Late)

Image credits: Kronocide

#50 My Boss’s Response When Asking To Come In Late To Finish An Essay For College

He is literally one of the best managers I’ve worked with. He is always working with me when I need time off or I’m sick, and when I’m overloaded with school. Wanted to post to show there are still good bosses out there.

Image credits: ParkTiny3784

#51 Some Managers Are Keepers. New Manager Promoted To 2ic, Potentially Will Take Over The Company When The Boss Retires. He’s An Absolute Treasure

Image credits: torolf_212

#52 Get You A Boss Who Responds Like This & Asks If You Need Anything When You Call In Sick Instead Of Belittling You For Calling In Sick (:

Image credits: Raeganhallowseve

#53 I Employed A Redditor, She's Always Browsing Instead Of Working. I Hope She Sees It Because I'm Sick Of Telling Her To Get Back To Work!

Image credits: The_Kebab_Guy

#54 Surprise From My Supervisor

I came into work today to find this little card and some chocolate from my supervisor. Back says "thanks for all you do :)". My previous job was filled with toxic managers who always made me feel like I was crap at my job because customers weren't flooding the sales floor and buying cars (I worked internet sales for a car dealership), and that I was always expendable. Now I work for great people that make me feel valued and if I mess up, my job isn't at risk. Just wanted to share my fuzzy feeling with you all.

Image credits: QuickgetintheTARDIS

#55 My British Boss Is Pretty Pleased With His 4th Of July Outfit

Image credits: DukeofEarl44

#56 My Boss Ties Pieces Of Paper To His Hoodie So He Remembers To Look At It Later

Image credits: LonelyLightningRod

#57 My Boss Takes His Vacation Very Seriously

I forwarded my boss a threatening email I received while he was away on vacation. This was his response.

Image credits: Salt_and_Bone

#58 A Christmas Toast Offered By My Boss

Image credits: DaHitcha

#59 I Bought Them Recently And I Looove Them!! So Comfy

Image credits: dearreeder

#60 So My Boss Also Bet Me $50 That Judge Wouldn’t Win MVP This Was Sitting On My Desk When I Walked In This Morning

Image credits: EmSheDoesIt

#61 These Were Given To Me By My Indian Boss As Part Of Diwali Celebrations. Sweet And Filled With Cashews

They're delicious and I don't know what to Google to find more.

Image credits: Stecharan

#62 Lost 1 Of My Part Time Jobs After 10 Years - Business Closed Down . Boss Sent Me This . The Small Things In Life Make Such A Difference

The note reads: "Thanks for sooooooooo many years for dedicated service to the ***. We couldn't have done it without you! Wishing you every success in the future."

Image credits: jasontaken

#63 I'm A Lifeguard. My Boss Gave Me A Key To Open This Drawer, Then Started Laughing Hysterically When I Tried Unlocking It. I Didn't Realize Why Until Now

Image credits: whenwacko

#64 I Got A Papercut At Work And My Boss Gave Me This Belle Bandage

Image credits: Vivid_Bug122