99 Memes About Things Basically Everyone Does But Pretends Not To

We all have our fair share of quirks. Some are out in the open, while others manifest when no one's around. But here's the thing: these hidden peculiarities are more common among many people than you think. 

All 2.8 million members of the ME IRL subreddit would know. This massive online group features posts about overthinking, odd procrastination habits, and anxious yet funny daily life moments. 

We've compiled some of the best and most comical screenshots from the page. As you keep scrolling, you may discover you are not alone with your idiosyncrasies.


Image credits: chaod3r


Image credits: Ibrahim17_1


Image credits: Aztery

According to experts, these quirks give us a good idea of a person's true nature. Psychiatrist Dr. Christine B. L. Adams dismisses personality tests like the Myers-Briggs personality type test as "a bunch of hooey." 

In an interview with Reader's Digest, she suggests looking into nuanced actions to gauge someone's personality.


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Image credits: connorhannigan4


Image credits: c0wbitch

What are these subtle actions, you may ask? It comes down to the way you write emails, for one. Dr. Adams associates messages predominantly written using the first-person POV as a possible narcissistic trait. On the other hand, she links lengthy emails to either a sense of energy or neediness. 


Image credits: SpudBoy9001


Image credits: just_cardo


Image credits: deelalz

While it may not be as subtle, how someone walks also says much about who they are. As keynote speaker and body language expert Dr. Carol Kinsey Goman pointed out, people who “power walk” and move with a measured stride are often confident and socially adept. 

Meanwhile, someone who moves with a slumped and caved-in posture is more likely to be self-conscious and tends to be lost in their thoughts.


Image credits: PrathaManic


Image credits: Low-Heart-3566


Image credits: _EM_JAY_

Many people have nervous tics, whether constant throat clearing, nose wrinkling, or rapid blinking. When it comes to body-focused repetitive behaviors, there is more than meets the eye. 

Research has found that traits like hair-pulling, nail-biting, and skin-picking are possible signs of perfectionism. Such actions are believed to be manifestations of stress brought on by having such high standards.


Image credits: abgates7


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Image credits: waqasnaseem07

Arriving at a commitment is usually a judgment indicator of your respect for the person you’re meeting. According to Dr. Adams, punctuality may indicate a people-pleasing personality. It is also seen as a sign of conscientiousness and agreeability.

Conversely, she says that often arriving late could be a sign of self-focus. She also noted that habitual tardiness and arriving way too early are plausible symptoms of ADHD.


Image credits: HeWasProbablySmoking


Image credits: AkiraTensei


Image credits: Bubble_Babe_0o0o0o

Do you prefer to dress simply? Or are you more into extravagant, flashy clothing? According to a study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, those who answer the latter may deal with potential self-esteem issues and insecurities. 

In the same vein, recent studies have shown that those who enjoy indulging in expensive items may feel less confident and powerful. Experts describe it as the “imposter syndrome from luxury consumption.” Here, they feel undeserving of expensive things, which often leads to feelings of inauthenticity.


Image credits: energizerbun-nay


Image credits: Ray-reps


Image credits: ZectroVoid

Now, we’d like to hear from you, dear readers. Which of these quirks are you guilty of, too? Do you see yourself in any of these posts? Or perhaps you know someone else? Let’s liven up the comments!


Image credits: ChanBun18


Image credits: marios4twenty


Image credits: nalin420


Image credits: iFunny


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Image credits: TweetPotato314


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Image credits: gabbylizzul


Image credits: GeorgeResch


Image credits: FatherComplex


Image credits: paradnihni


Image credits: Leoopro


Image credits: kiiingsleyy


Image credits: TheHeroShiba


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Image credits: knowyourmeme


Image credits: Literally_black1984


Image credits: Affectionate_Big8864


Image credits: lol_k12345


Image credits: Nazikiller____


Image credits: Human-Independent999


Image credits: Automatic-Law-1586


Image credits: XellTweets


Image credits: cringy_flinchy


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Image credits: Bubble_Babe_0o0o0o


Image credits: rhcpkam


Image credits: Whotfismick


Image credits: toofingblagoon


Image credits: russ_universe


Image credits: ShantiAngel


Image credits: bisexuael


Image credits: mcsassy3


Image credits: TopDankestMemes


Image credits: UnstableIsotopeU-234


Image credits: emily_murnane


Image credits: themajkisek


Image credits: GirlsNoteBook


Image credits: nameaboveallnames


Image credits: Hypnoidz


Image credits: Jawshable


Image credits: shootermac32


Image credits: thesweetestisabella


Image credits: Kimsameul


Image credits: Broad-Future-3601


Image credits: BananaSlipstream


Image credits: Anon-Fir3


Image credits: HighTall72


Image credits: Silver_Surfer17


Image credits: -BlackMidnight-


Image credits: reddit.com


Image credits: Berrylene_


Image credits: Deadcrawler3


Image credits: original_don_dada


Image credits: Depleted_NRG11


Image credits: whisperingeye99


Image credits: Indieriots


Image credits: FollowSina


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Image credits: marios4twenty


Image credits: PatheticMeat


Image credits: Relative-Estate-4967


Image credits: Handsome_Bread_Roll


Image credits: First_Development101


Image credits: AdministrativePool93


Image credits: Distinct_Ad456


Image credits: Brent_Fox


Image credits: N0tYOUniq


Image credits: quietconnoisseur


Image credits: onlyyoutilltheend


Image credits: adeno_gothilla


Image credits: marios4twenty


Image credits: PerceptionWestern332


Image credits: Nearby_Breakfast_520


Image credits: marios4twenty


Image credits: Tommann45


Image credits: aldermancastle