Winning the lottery sounds great. Right? You can pay off your student loan, buy a home or set some money aside for the down payment, go traveling, or do many other fun and nice things.
But there’s two sides to this coin, as such winnings often entail things that are far from positive. Take this redditor’s story, for instance. After trading a gift during the White Elephant gift exchange with his family, the 22-year-old was left with some lottery tickets, one of which ended up adding $25,000 dollars into his bank account. But in addition to the money, the ticket also brought disagreements within the family, some of whom were calling the OP cruel and heartless. Scroll down to find the full story below.
Some people think that winning the lottery would solve many of their problems
Image credits: Mehaniq41 (not the actual photo)
However, sometimes winning the lottery can create new problems, as it did for this young man
Image credits: Impactphotography (not the actual photo)
Image credits: Civil_Wrongz