39 Things Young People Don’t Find Enjoyable But Older Folks Do, As Shared In This Online Group

There’s a saying that goes like “aging like fine wine,” meaning that certain things get better as they age. But what is the inverse of that? Are there things that get better and more approachable as you age?

For example, I hated raisins like most other kids, but now, about 14 years later, I’m a certified raisin fan! I’m not sure why I’m so enthusiastic about that.

But anyway, this article is about the things that people have become more fond of as they’ve aged. Check them out!

More info: Reddit


Oldie here... I worked for a Canadian clothing store called Marks. I used to point our new arrivals to my daughter to see if she liked them, and she would say "Ugh. Those are old people clothes!" One day she came in, looked around and said "You guys are starting to get some pretty good stuff." I laughed because nothing had really changed, and watched the expression on her face change as it slowly dawned on her.

Image credits: seaforcinnamon


I’m 73. Yes, I know what Reddit is. I love - retirement. Playing tennis with friends, then complaining about s**t over coffee and a donut.

Tinkering with stuff until I break it, then calling a qualified technician. ( gives my wife something to b***h about) Playing WoW when you snot-nosed kids are in school so I don’t get [unalived] trying to complete a quest. Skiing mid week at senior rates when the slopes are empty. That’s just for starters.

Image credits: Theoldelf


I’ve reached the tipping point. I love my hedge and some drunk kid fell in it. Big hole. Will take four years to grow back. This ‘get off my lawn’ moment awakened the old in me.

Image credits: Ok-Computer-1033


In my country (Brazil), old people sit in front of their houses and do absolutely nothing for hours, just watching people and cars go by. This is more common for lower social class, for instance my grandma and her friends gather everyday at someone's door and just sit there until the night comes (they are retired).

Image credits: genipapaya


I'm a window cleaner and have a lot of elderly customers. Over the years I've found they LOVE to be the first one to tell me one of the neighbours has died. To the point where if I say 'yeah, Thelma already let me know', they look genuinely disappointed and annoyed that they weren't the one to break the news to me.

Image credits: r3tr0gam3r83


Oh my god, just sitting down in my recliner is glorious. Younger people may think I’m nuts but I have so much stuff going on, it’s nice to just sit down and relax

Image credits: OldnBorin


Now that I'm old, I just like to travel to places to look at the scenery. 20 year old me would not understand the point of that at all.

Image credits: Bergenia1


There is this weird type of traditional Vietnamese music my parents said that only old people like and they could not stand it either. A decade later and apparently they enjoy it. I await my turn in fear.

Edit: for those asking, it is Cải lương.

Image credits: Metom_Xeez


I'm in my mid 40's. I'll be the ghost of Christmas future to some of you. Ready? i had many of these same complaints in my teenage years. Things like music, life gets weird when music you listen to in your youth ends up on the oldies station.

Many of these things will happen to you, but you won't believe me for another 20 years minimum.

Image credits: SuperstitiousPigeon5


Waking up early. Grandma you are RETIRED. WHY WOULD YOU NOT SLEEP IN EVERYDAY???????

Image credits: Quirky_Phase5960


Asking people when they’re getting married and having kids… I’m 27 and it’s incessant from my grandparents and mother.

Image credits: AFucking12Gaug3


Telling anyone who will listen about their various ailments. Look, I'm 57, so I'm ancient by reddit standards. But I vowed early on that I will not become one of these over-sharing old people.

Image credits: sirdigbykittencaesar


Facebook - adding your own name to a comment like “great photos, love Mum and John”. I f*****g know it’s you Maureen, it shows me your when you comment.

Image credits: No_Sweet7026


Fine china and silverware. It's pretty in the way anything made in bulk can be, it's expensive, has very little resale value, fragile as f**k, and virtually useless unless you're trying to impress another old person.

Personal opinion, no hate

Image credits: neutrino_flavored


Watching the news constantly

Image credits: IllustriousDirta


Keeping the room really, really warm. ?


Blaming the youth for the problems that their generation created.


When I was a kid, all the adults around me loved black licorice. I hated it and thought I would rather eat my own shoes than eat black licorice. I figured that it was a grown up thing and that I would start to like it when I grew up. Grew up and would still rather eat my shoes.


Obsessed with the weather. My partner’s grandmother house sat while we were away for a trip and made sure to record the weather details for us of every day we were gone.

Image credits: shikaru808


I'm 60 and my brother just told me I'm too nostalgic and need to quit complaining about the cost of things and glorifying the "old days". He is absolutely right. :)


They love to refuse to learn new things insisting that they just can't.

Image credits: SuvenPan


Going 35mph on the highway. Just stay off the damn highway Margaret you’re actually making everything worse for everyone and clearly you’re in no rush

Image credits: CuntPuntAficionado


Working way over your scheduled hours for no pay. To show that you are a good hard working person.

Image credits: Lava-Chicken


Two spaces after periods when typing.

Image credits: gokartmozart89


They love asking me what I'm doing with my life ?

Image credits: Arkjump


Everyone who learned to drive before GPS still love having in-depth conversations about alternative routes, even if they now use their phone’s maps and can see all the different options and about how long each would take.

Image credits: SpaceAgeFader


Touching stranger's babies

Image credits: Avtrofwoe


B****ing about everything on the Nextdoor app

Image credits: read-it-on-reddit




Being assisted by young children means the world to them for some reason

Image credits: Kill_zebras


Watching TV. I’m 28 years old and I feel like there’s nothing for people my age on TV. It’s boring AF.


Soap operas. I get bored after 30 mins how does someone watch 500 episodes.


Walking around naked in the gym locker room

Image credits: rockhavenrick


Hard candies.



Image credits: EngagementBacon


Being so nosy and concerned with how other people are living their lives when it has absolutely no effect on the quality of their own.


Andre Rieu


Sitting hours behind those slot machines

Image credits: KenzoAtreides


To leave their shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot and then call Millennials lazy.