One Piece Chapter 1136: The Identity of the Mysterious Bandage Girl Revealed

  • The mysterious girl who was covered in bandages has been revealed to be Gunko in One Piece chapter 1136.
  • She is confirmed to be a member of God's Knight alongside Shank's evil twin.
  • Gunko is shown killing Loki's giant wolf with her bandage-esque powers in chapter 1136.

Just when the fandom thought that the Elbaf arc would be a peaceful pitstop for the Straw Hats with no threat in sight, creator Eiichiro Oda dropped a major surprise in recent chapters. Two mysterious hooded characters invaded the giant’s castle when the Straw Hats were enjoying the party thrown by the giants. One of the characters was revealed to be the evil twin of Shanks, while the identity of the other character, the girl whose face was covered in bandages, was shrouded in mystery. Fortunately, Oda sensei has revealed more about this character in One Piece Chapter 1136.

The fandom was right on the money as the two mysterious invaders have now been confirmed to be the members of the God’s Knight. Although the creator is keeping the details about the Shank look-alike character obscured, he has introduced the female member of the Holy Knights as Gunko. You can check out colored fan art for this new character right here:

Oda has made an interesting choice with the character’s design, and she is already the talk of the town. She is seen wearing a coat with a cape and also adorns a hat and goggles, which brings a steampunk vibe to her character. Moreover, as predicted, the bandages weren’t just a cool design choice as Gunko’s powers seem to be based on it.

Gunko easily killed Loki’s gigantic wolf by transforming her body into an extendable bandage-like material and strangling it. We don’t know if it’s a devil fruit power at the moment but it seems like one for sure.

All we know for now is that she can manipulate her body and stretch it up creatively to knock out her opponents. We hope to learn more about Gunko in the upcoming chapters. Until then, let us know your thoughts about the newly introduced character in the comments below.
