Promoting Higher Education in Kentucky

In Kentucky, nearly 1.5 million adults lack a postsecondary credential. Nearly 70% of those adults have never enrolled in college, while just over 30% have some college credits but no degree. Changing this has become a priority for Kentucky’s leaders, as postsecondary education brings several benefits to American adults. A degree helps close workforce gaps and increase the number of adults earning a livable wage. 

The number of Kentucky adults in college has declined by 40% over the past decade. This is largely due to family obligations, financial challenges, work commitments, and academic readiness standing in the way. Additionally, all of these factors impact adult learners harder than those enrolling right out of high school. Despite these shortcomings, the success of these Kentuckians is crucial to the advancement of the state, in hopes of meeting their educational attainment goal of 60% of the population with a postsecondary credential by 2030. 

Plans to improve the education system in Kentucky are already in motion, offering several opportunities state wide for people to get involved. From professional development programs to childcare solutions, to community building amongst like-minded individuals, there is a place for everyone in the future of academic success in Kentucky.

Pathways to Prosperity for Kentucky Adults
Source: Kentucky Student Success Collaborative 

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