Woman Dumps BF After He Lies to Her About Purchasing B-Day Perfume She Wanted Badly

It’s been said that you shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth, meaning it’s best to accept any and all gifts graciously. But, in some instances, you might be left wondering just what exactly the gifter was thinking when they got you something odd, arbitrary, or useless.

One woman was livid after her boyfriend told her he’d buy her a pricey perfume for her birthday but ended up lying about it and cheaping out. Now she’s gone online to ask netizens if she should call it quits on the whole relationship.    

More info: Reddit

It’s not polite to look a gift horse in the mouth, but this woman was left with no other choice

Various perfume bottles on a table, symbolizing a special birthday gift.

Image credits: NastyaSensei / Pexels (not the actual photo)

As a beauty fan and perfume collector, she’d been saving up to buy something special for her birthday

Text discussing a girlfriend upset over a boyfriend's lie about getting her a special birthday perfume.

Text conversation about birthday perfume gift and saving money.

Perfume bottles on display with colorful powders in a market setting.

Image credits: Alex Rosario / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

When she told her boyfriend about it, he said he’d get the perfume for her and told her to do something nice for herself with the cash she’d saved up

Text conversation about birthday perfume and spending money.

Text about a girlfriend disappointed by a birthday gift, involving perfume and bath products.

Text on image about a disagreement over a special birthday perfume and budget concerns.

Colorful bath bombs on a marble shelf, reflecting a birthday gift theme.

Image credits: Burst / Pexels (not the actual photo)

When her birthday came around, however, her boyfriend handed over some body spray and a bath bomb, leaving her livid at his broken promise

Text exchange where GF is called a spoiled brat and BF a liar, discussing birthday perfume argument.

Text message about birthday feedback and potential breakup with boyfriend over special perfume.

Couple arguing in urban setting, highlighting tension over a birthday perfume gift.

Image credits: Keira Burton / Pexels (not the actual photo)

Now she’s thinking of ending things altogether, but turned to netizens to ask if she was a jerk for calling him a lying scumbag

Reddit comment about relationship advice, addressing lying and special birthday perfume. NTA and supportive response.<br />

Reddit comment thread discussing a special birthday perfume, Baccarat Rouge 540 extrait.

Text message exchange about BF lying to GF over birthday perfume, discussing trust issues in a relationship.

Comment suggesting breakup over a boyfriend lying about a birthday perfume.

Text comment about a relationship issue involving a BF and GF, mentioning a mother’s intervention.

Reddit comment discussing a boyfriend lying about birthday perfume, calling him childish.

Woman walking at night, looking at her phone, wrapped in a scarf. Keywords: girlfriend, spoiled brat, angry.

Image credits: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels (not the actual photo)

In an update to her original post, she thanked the community for their feedback and gave them the rundown as things happened

Text exchange about perfume and conflict between couple, expressing gratitude for support.

Text about relationship argument over birthday perfume and honesty issues.

Man looking stressed while reading something on his phone, outdoors.

Image credits: RDNE Stock project / Pexels (not the actual photo)

When she told her boyfriend she was going to break up with him, he broke down in tears and apologized profusely

Text from conversation about misunderstanding over birthday gift and harsh words exchanged.

Text excerpt discussing relationship conflict about lying and family dynamics.

A worried man in a brown sweater sits on the floor, comforted by a person beside him, symbolizing tension over a birthday incident.

Image credits: Alex Green / Pexels (not the actual photo)

At this point, she confronted him about lying to his mom, who was shocked to find out about his deception

Text message describing a situation where a boyfriend apologizes and resolves a conflict involving birthday perfume.

Text conversation about boyfriend being scolded for lying about special birthday perfume.

Couple in bed; woman appears frustrated, covering her face, while the man sleeps.

Image credits: Kampus Production / Pexels (not the actual photo)

After she left, her boyfriend sent her a bunch of texts about how sorry he was, but she didn’t really know how to take them

Text exchange about a boyfriend apologizing and expressing love, with uncertainty about how to respond.

Text message about breakup, highlighting manipulation and spam.

Image credits: National_Eye_271

In the end, she ended up sending him a breakup text, glad to know she saw through his manipulation and crocodile tears

OP begins her story by telling the community that she’s something of a perfume collector. She goes on to say that there’s a particular bottle she’s had her eye on that’s way out of her budget, but she’d finally saved enough to get it for her birthday. When she told her boyfriend about it, though, he said he’d get it for her.

She told him he didn’t have to do that since it’s such a pricey item, but he insisted and said she could spend the money she’d saved up on something nice instead. A couple days before her birthday she checked with him again, but he told her the gift was already bought and wrapped.

So, OP took her best friend and sister out to dinner and a movie with more than half of the cash she’d put aside, but when her birthday arrived, her boyfriend gave her body spray and a bath bomb. When she asked him what happened to the perfume, he told her it was way too expensive. 

Livid, OP demanded to know why he’d lied to her, but he responded by calling her a spoiled brat. In return, she called him a lying jerk and left. Since then, she’s received a bunch of nasty texts from his friends. Worse still, his mom told her she was being childish. 

She concluded her story by telling the readers she was going over to his parents’ place to speak with both him and his mom before probably calling it quits on the relationship but promised to keep the community in the loop.

In an update to her original post, OP gives the lowdown about what went down. Apparently, when she threatened to end things, he broke down in tears and apologized profusely to her, saying he’d save up and get her the perfume. OP said at this point, it wasn’t even about the perfume – it was the dishonesty that irked her.

When she confronted him about the rude messages from his friends, he cussed them out and went so far as to threaten to cut all contact with them. As for his mom, OP says he was forced to tell her the truth, much to her horror. The mom even offered to get OP the perfume.

In the end, though, it was all too much for OP, so she ended their two-year relationship with a text and a strong feeling that she dodged a bullet at the end of the day.

Woman looks at phone intently, appears contemplative, in dimly lit room.

Image credits: mikoto.raw Photographer / Pexels (not the actual photo)

From what OP tells us in her post, it seems as though her mind is made up – she’s kicking her boyfriend to the curb. But why do people lie in relationships? We went looking for answers.

According to the Encyclopedia of Deception (yes, it actually exists), deception is a topic that researchers in the behavioral and social sciences have been curious about for quite some time. Several studies have been conducted to try to solve some critical questions related to dishonesty in relationships.  

In her article for Psychology Today, Susan Krauss Whitbourne writes that although people in a close and committed relationship believe they can trust each other to be honest, researchers have found time and time again that people lie to their partners, sometimes for no good reason. 

A few of the most common reasons partners lie include to avoid being judged or feeling shame, to protect themselves from retaliation, to present themselves in a positive way, and for prosocial reasons. 

Considering OP’s boyfriend’s appalling behavior, it seems like there was no good reason for him to lie to her. Perhaps the love affair was always destined to crumble – after all, trust is the foundation of any honest relationship.

What would you have done if you’d found yourself in OP’s shoes? Let us know your opinion in the comments! 

In the comments, readers slammed the woman’s boyfriend for leading her on and pointed out a variety of other red flags

Reddit comments on relationship issues between GF and BF about a birthday perfume misunderstanding.

Comment about a breakup situation, mentioning dodging a bullet and optimism.

Comment about GF calling BF a jerk for lying about perfume, with a supportive response.

The post Woman Dumps BF After He Lies to Her About Purchasing B-Day Perfume She Wanted Badly first appeared on Bored Panda.